Monday, March 14, 2011

Gerhard H. Jirka Memorial Colloquium on
Environmental Fluid Mechanics

June 3 - 4, 2011, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany.

More information:

USB 3.0

I just bought a USB 3.0 HUB and a couple of USB 3.0 Hard drives to speed up my analysis. In Linux (ubuntu 10.10) there was no problem because Linux is already supporting USB 3.0 since a while. For my surprise when I tried the hard drives in Windows 7 they were turning on and off all the time (Windows does not support yet USB 3.0). My PCIe hub, had a software called "USB 3.0 Host Controller Utility" I installed but the problems were still there. After upgrading this software, i.e the drivers, the problem was still there until I activate the option "Disable USB 3.0 power management function" this solved the problem and my hardrives in sequential read and writing are performing a beautiful 100 and 90 MB/s performance respectively (measured with CrystalDiskMark). My Hardrives are a couple of CnMemory Spaceloop HDD of 1 and 2 TB. If you need the software, I downloaded it from the following link: